What Is Zirconia?

Zirconium is a silvery-white metal with natural fluorescence. It can be found in zircon, as part of the hafnium group of elements, and it offers one unique advantage over porcelain fused to metal restorations: It doesn’t leave an unsightly dark cervical line!

It has a unique crystalline structure

Zirconia boasts an unmatched crystalline structure that makes it stronger than most metals, providing it with greater resistance against abrasion, corrosion and temperature changes than many metals. As a result of these properties it finds use across several fields – prosthetics, aerospace and automobile production are among them – from cutting tools with their ability to withstand high speeds and loads to dental restoration and bone replacements.

Zirconia boasts numerous advantages due to its unique crystalline structure, including resistance against cracking and low thermal conductivity, making it suitable for use in applications requiring high temperatures such as solid oxide fuel cells or ceramic coatings. Furthermore, zirconia’s durability also allows it to thrive under such demanding environments as solid oxide fuel cells or ceramic coatings.

Zirconia is a non-metallic solid state material composed of cubic structures with tetragonal c-axis crystals. It boasts one of the highest ionic conductivity values among ceramics, making it suitable for use in oxygen sensors and solid oxide fuel cells, while boasting excellent mechanical and optical properties.

Zirconia powders do not all come out the same. For optimal quality results, combining alloying and calcination processes are required for production, with these processes designed to produce an ideal crystalline structure for final products. A variety of mixing methods including mechanical mixing methods, multiphase suspension techniques and sol suspension methods should also be utilized; each has their own benefits but must all be blended carefully for uniformity and the optimal morphology.

Zirconia stands out from other ceramics due to its remarkable mechanical properties. Its finely dispersed tetragonal phase can transform into monoclinic phases when subjected to stress; this mechanism, known as transformation toughening, improves strength by decreasing elastic modulus and increasing fracture resistance.

Zirconia’s tetragonal phase has also been shown to facilitate glass bonding to zirconia, providing significant implications for its use in dental restorations. Studies have also demonstrated how silica coatings and silane treatments can greatly enhance bonding between zirconia and glass; silica coatings increase strength threefold while simultaneously decreasing crack propagation risks.

It has excellent abrasion resistance

Zirconia stands out as an extremely resilient material due to its excellent abrasion resistance, making it suitable for high loads and environments that have harsh surfaces such as mining. Thanks to both abrasion and corrosion resistance properties, zirconia is invaluable material used across a range of industries and applications; dental restorations frequently employ it due to its durability and beautiful aesthetics.

Zirconia can be utilized in numerous applications, from ceramics to refractories and engineered materials. Zirconia refractories are used in applications requiring high temperature resistance such as kilns and furnaces; their strength remains intact even at temperatures up to 1,500degC without losing strength or integrity under extreme conditions. Furthermore, zirconia can even be fired under oxidizing environments without experiencing performance degradation.

Zirconia offers several advantages over its titanium dioxide counterparts, including superior fracture toughness and chemical stability, low melting point processing time using conventional equipment, low fracture toughness as well as superior mechanical and optical properties compared to titanium dioxide in various applications. Furthermore, zirconia makes an excellent candidate for use in industrial and medical applications including coatings and lubricants while offering improved mechanical and optical properties than its titanium dioxide counterparts.

Zirconium oxide is the base material for zirconia, an extremely versatile material with multiple uses across industry. Zirconia’s durability can withstand extremely high temperatures while remaining free of corrosion, acids, or other chemicals; furthermore it features natural color characteristics which make it very light weight and useable in applications ranging from abrasives, pigments, dental cements to protection of other dental restorations such as porcelain.

Zirconia is considered a technical ceramic material, yet does not exhibit the characteristic high brittleness found in other ceramics. This allows zirconia to be formed into intricate forms without fear of shattering under pressure, which makes fabrication much simpler and allows for large complex shapes.

Saint-Gobain ZirPro provides a full selection of 3 mol% yttria-stabilized zirconia powders suitable for injection molding and casting applications, from dry powder (CY3Z) suitable for this process to ready-to-press granules (GY3Z) used in uniaxial and isostatic pressing; these granules may also be used to manufacture complex parts or as feedstock for ceramic injection molding processes.

It has high thermal resistance

Zirconium is a strong grey-white metal that finds numerous applications in the chemical industry. As one component of zirconium dioxide, which is widely used to manufacture refractory bricks, ceramics, glazes and pottery; nuclear reactor components; as well as being essential in producing glassware. Furthermore, zirconium boasts exceptional thermal resistance allowing it to withstand extremely hot temperatures without losing strength; often used to protect gas turbine engines from excessively high-temperature exposures.

Zirconia ceramics undergo an important stabilization process where elements such as magnesium and calcium are added to their mixture for stabilization purposes. This adds extra resilience against changes caused by heat while simultaneously enabling production of tetragonal partially stabilized zirconia (PSZ).

PSZ is often employed in demanding mechanical applications requiring insulation properties and fracture toughness, along with fatigue resistance and impact loading excellence. Thanks to its unique structure that renders it metastable material, PSZ also exhibits crack propagation resistance due to trapped energy within its zirconia matrix that prevents it from transitioning from tetragonal to monoclinic crystal formation, which occurs naturally with unstabilized or inadequately stabilized zirconia.

CoorsTek was among the pioneers in technical zirconia applications and continues to formulate different varieties optimized for specific application-related requirements. We work closely with our customers in selecting suitable materials.

Yttria-stabilized zirconia is an excellent material choice for dental applications. It can withstand the high mechanical forces generated by backmost molars that often strain traditional materials to the point of fracture and cause abrasion and fractures, and it also offers resistance against corrosion, oxidation, thermal shocks and thermal oxidation.

Yttria-stabilized zirconia exhibits an exceptional electrical property: at elevated temperatures it becomes an ion conductor due to different valences among zirconium ions that allows oxygen ions to pass through it and act like conductors for these oxygen ions.

It has high electrical conductivity

Zirconia boasts high electrical conductivity, making it ideal for electronic and electrochemical devices. Furthermore, its corrosion-resistance makes it suitable for ceramic applications with its low coefficient of expansion. Zirconium is the 18th most abundant element in Earth’s crust and is most frequently encountered as zircon and its oxides: zirconium silicate and baddeleyite. Zirconium is predominantly utilized due to its refractory and ceramic properties. Zirconium dioxide is often used as a steel replacement in crucibles and furnaces, glass manufacturing facilities and ceramic manufacturing. Furthermore, its excellent mechanical properties and chemically inert nature make it suitable for these purposes. Furthermore, zirconium dioxide forms an integral component of refractory bricks and armour plates as well as being produced into siloxide glass which offers greater stress-resistance than quartz opaque glasses.

Zirconium is also highly electrically conductive, with an electrical conductivity value of 13.5 cm-1 at room temperature – significantly higher than any other ceramic material. This phenomenon is attributable to zirconia’s high atomic density and crystalline structure; additionally its low melting point and superior fracture resistance also play a significant part in its superior electrical conductivity.

Electrical conductivity in zirconia can be altered with various stabilizers such as yttrium and other metals, including yttria-stabilized zirconia polycrystal (Y-TZP), for instance. The presence of yttrium increases its metastable state to further improve physical properties in zirconia while simultaneously increasing oxygen ion conductivity – this type of ceramic has many applications such as solid oxide fuel cells.

Zirconia is an excellent material choice for dental restorations due to its strength and durability, withstanding even intense pressure from backmost molars without cracking under pressure, which would damage other materials. Furthermore, zirconia crowns support large amounts of bite force without becoming biocompatible over time.

Dentists and clinicians alike have expressed concerns that zirconia may damage the soft texture of natural teeth, raising legitimate worries. Dandy’s dedicated CAD design team takes great care in placing each tooth correctly so as to avoid mismatch in mechanical properties between zirconia and natural tooth surfaces.
